Temple Soccer League (Inter LA Soccer League- Nombre original) comenzo como un proyecto comunitario en 2006, en el parque Lafayette, de Los Angeles, CA. En aquel entonces, la idea era organizar una liga de futbol con el proposito de mantener la comunidad de Lafayette Park/Mac Arthur Park, ocupada, haciendo deporte. Para el 2009, la liga habia crecido y necesitabamos un lugar mas grande. En 2010, con la ayuda de Rene Martinez, lider comunitario y socio, pudimos conseguir la cancha de futbol de Camino Nuevo Charter High School, donde tenemos 13 anos de servir a la comunidad Angelina. Gracias a el personal original: Geovany “El Gato” Godoy (Coordinador de Arbitros), Lic. Mauricio Argumedo ( Gerente), y Rony Serpas (Gerente), hemos servido a miles de clientes: brindandoles una liga organizada, integra y con un servicio de alta calidad para nuestros clientes.


La Liga Temple se dedica a enriquezer las vida de las diversas comunidades Angelinas, por medio del futbol, enfocado en el juego limpio, el respeto mutuo, y la expresion fisica y cultural, atravez de el deporte mas bello del mundo.

Gracias por ser parte de nuestra familia futbolera.

Antonio Serpas (Fundador/CEO)

Temple Soccer League (originally name: Inter LA Soccer League) began as a community project in 2006 at Lafayette Park in Los Angeles, CA. At that time, the goal was to organize a soccer league to keep the community of Lafayette Park/MacArthur Park active and engaged through sports. By 2009, the league had grown and we needed a larger location. In 2010, with the help of Rene Martinez, a community leader and partner, we were able to secure the soccer field at Camino Nuevo Charter High School, where we have been serving the Angelino community for 13 years. Thanks to the original staff: Geovany "El Gato" Godoy (referee coordinator), Lic. Mauricio Argumedo (Manager), and Rony Serpas (Manager), this league has served thousands of clients by providing a well-organized, integrity-based soccer league with the highest quality service for our clients.


Temple Soccer League is committed to enriching the lives of our diverse communities, through the game of soccer; focused on fair-play, mutual respect, & the physical and cultural expression, by practicing the most beautiful game in the world.

Thank you for being part of our Soccer Family.

Antonio Serpas (Founder/CEO)